DMCA Notice


This website (see our website Terms and Conditions of Use for definitions), including all text, HTML, scripts, and images are copyrighted and owned by All rights reserved.
All brand names and product names used on this website are copyright by, trade names, service marks, trademarks, registered trademarks of their respective owners.

You acknowledge and agree that all content and materials available on this site are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly authorized by our COMPANY, you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works from such materials or content.

As noted above, reproduction, copying, or redistribution for commercial purposes of any materials or design elements on this site is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of our COMPANY.

For information on requesting such permission, please contact us via e-mail at (support AT

The owner of this website and the ISP are committed to complying with international trade law, international trade practices, all Saudi Arabian laws, including copyright law.

The DMCA contains very specific guidelines as to what proper notification of claimed infringement must contain. Copyright owners may obtain a copy of the DMCA, including these guidelines, by visiting the web site of the U.S. Copyright Office. is not required to respond to notices that do not meet the requirements of the DMCA. Copyright owners should be aware that there are substantial penalties for false claims and that will actively refer complainants who use the DMCA for improper purposes to relevant law enforcement agencies.

Upon receipt of a properly filed complaint under the DMCA, the owner and/or the ISP of this website will block access to the allegedly infringing material. The website owner will forward a copy of the notification of claimed copyright infringement to the alleged infringer. Anyone who believes in good faith that a notice of copyright infringement has wrongfully been filed against them, may submit a Counter notice to the website owner via e-mail at (support AT